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We are the only promoters of regular events by blind musicians in the UK. We moved online during lockdown with a series of solo concerts and interviews with Inner Vision Orchestra musicians on YouTube Premiere and on www.theBlind.TV which is our web TV channel featuring blind people doing all kinds of interesting things. Now that the world is a little closer to normal, stay tuned for live performances near you.
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Earth Music Series: Baluji Shrivastav OBE
21 July, 2021
The Stables, Under Gaia, Middleston Hall, MK9 3EP
A special performance by virtuoso multi-instrumentalist Baluji Shrivastav OBE accompanied by Nafees Irfan on tablas. The concert opens with a song by Linda Shanovitch, accompanied by the dilruba, and features Moon-inspired ragas on sitar.
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